Token List
All tokens that are available in the Paste token system.
Read the color guidelines to learn more about using background color tokens in Paste.
- $color-background
- Token value:
- rgb(244, 244, 246)
- #F4F4F6
- Default background color for any container.
- $color-background-available
- Token value:
- rgb(20, 176, 83)
- #14B053
- Background color used to represent an entity or person as "available".
- $color-background-body
- Token value:
- rgb(255, 255, 255)
- Background color used for the main page body.
- $color-background-body-elevation
- Token value:
- rgb(249, 249, 250)
- #F9F9FA
- Elevation token for color-background-body elements.
- $color-background-body-inverse
- Token value:
- rgb(18, 28, 45)
- #121C2D
- Inverse background color used for the main page body.
- $color-background-brand
- Token value:
- rgb(0, 20, 137)
- #001489
- Primary brand background, accessible with inverse text.
- $color-background-brand-10
- Token value:
- rgb(242, 190, 90)
- #F2BE5A
- Brand accent background color representing Twilio.
- $color-background-brand-20
- Token value:
- rgb(81, 169, 227)
- #51A9E3
- Brand accent background color representing Sendgrid.
- $color-background-brand-30
- Token value:
- rgb(106, 221, 178)
- #6ADDB2
- Brand accent background color representing Segment.
- $color-background-brand-highlight
- Token value:
- rgb(242, 47, 70)
- #F22F46
- Highlight brand background, accessible with black text.
- $color-background-brand-highlight-weakest
- Token value:
- rgba(242, 47, 70, 0.1)
- #F22F461A
- Weakest background color used for brand highlights.
- $color-background-brand-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(3, 11, 93)
- #030B5D
- Strong primary brand background, accessible with inverse text.
- $color-background-brand-stronger
- Token value:
- rgb(6, 3, 58)
- #06033A
- Stronger primary brand background, accessible with inverse text.
- $color-background-busy
- Token value:
- rgb(244, 124, 34)
- #F47C22
- Background color used to represent an entity or person as "busy".
- $color-background-decorative-10-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(244, 244, 246)
- #F4F4F6
- Weakest background color with no semantic meaning, used for decorative purposes only. Should generally be used with matching decorative border and/or text tokens.
- $color-background-decorative-20-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(235, 244, 255)
- Weakest background color with no semantic meaning, used for decorative purposes only. Should generally be used with matching decorative border and/or text tokens.
- $color-background-decorative-30-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(237, 253, 243)
- Weakest background color with no semantic meaning, used for decorative purposes only. Should generally be used with matching decorative border and/or text tokens.
- $color-background-decorative-40-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(245, 240, 252)
- #F5F0FC
- Weakest background color with no semantic meaning, used for decorative purposes only. Should generally be used with matching decorative border and/or text tokens.
- $color-background-destructive
- Token value:
- rgb(214, 31, 31)
- #D61F1F
- Background color used for destructive actions or highlights.
- $color-background-destructive-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(117, 12, 12)
- #750C0C
- Strong background color used for destructive actions or highlights.
- $color-background-destructive-stronger
- Token value:
- rgb(74, 11, 11)
- #4A0B0B
- Stronger background color used for destructive actions or highlights.
- $color-background-destructive-strongest
- Token value:
- rgb(49, 12, 12)
- #310C0C
- Strongest background color used for destructive actions or highlights.
- $color-background-destructive-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(246, 177, 177)
- #F6B1B1
- Weak background color used for destructive actions or highlights.
- $color-background-destructive-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(252, 207, 207)
- Weaker background color used for destructive actions or highlights.
- $color-background-destructive-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(254, 236, 236)
- Weakest background color used for destructive actions or highlights.
- $color-background-elevation
- Token value:
- rgb(237, 238, 242)
- Elevation token for color-background elements.
- $color-background-error
- Token value:
- rgb(214, 31, 31)
- #D61F1F
- Background color used for error alerts and toasts.
- $color-background-error-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(117, 12, 12)
- #750C0C
- Strongest background color used for error alerts and toasts.
- $color-background-error-stronger
- Token value:
- rgb(74, 11, 11)
- #4A0B0B
- Stronger error background color
- $color-background-error-strongest
- Token value:
- rgb(49, 12, 12)
- #310C0C
- Strongest error background color
- $color-background-error-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(254, 236, 236)
- Weakest background color used for error alerts and toasts.
- $color-background-inverse
- Token value:
- rgb(31, 48, 76)
- #1F304C
- Inverse background color used for containers.
- $color-background-inverse-elevation
- Token value:
- rgb(37, 57, 91)
- #25395B
- Elevation token for color-background-inverse elements.
- $color-background-inverse-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(57, 71, 98)
- #394762
- Strong inverse background color used for containers.
- $color-background-inverse-strong-elevation
- Token value:
- rgb(37, 57, 91)
- #25395B
- Elevation token for color-background-inverse-strong elements.
- $color-background-inverse-stronger
- Token value:
- rgb(57, 71, 98)
- #394762
- Stronger inverse background color for any container. Must be used on color-background-body-inverse.
- $color-background-inverse-stronger-elevation
- Token value:
- rgb(64, 79, 110)
- #404F6E
- Elevation token for color-background-inverse-stronger elements.
- $color-background-inverse-strongest
- Token value:
- rgb(255, 255, 255)
- Strongest inverse background color used for containers.
- $color-background-inverse-weak-elevation
- Token value:
- rgb(37, 57, 91)
- #25395B
- Elevation token for color-background-inverse-weak elements.
- $color-background-neutral-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(235, 244, 255)
- Weakest background color used for neutral or default variants.
- $color-background-new
- Token value:
- rgb(245, 240, 252)
- #F5F0FC
- Background color used to represent a new status.
- $color-background-new-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(250, 247, 253)
- Weakest background color for indicating a new status.
- $color-background-notification
- Token value:
- rgb(214, 31, 31)
- #D61F1F
- Background color used for notifications.
- $color-background-offline
- Token value:
- rgb(142, 150, 174)
- #8E96AE
- Background color used to represent an entity or person as "offline".
- $color-background-overlay
- Token value:
- rgba(6, 3, 58, 0.4)
- #06033A66
- Background color used for overlays.
- $color-background-primary
- Token value:
- rgb(2, 99, 224)
- #0263E0
- Background color used for primary actions or highlights.
- $color-background-primary-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(0, 20, 137)
- #001489
- Strong background color used for primary actions or highlights.
- $color-background-primary-stronger
- Token value:
- rgb(3, 11, 93)
- #030B5D
- Stronger background color used for primary actions or highlights.
- $color-background-primary-strongest
- Token value:
- rgb(6, 3, 58)
- #06033A
- Strongest background color used for primary actions or highlights.
- $color-background-primary-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(153, 205, 255)
- #99CDFF
- Weak background color used for primary actions or highlights.
- $color-background-primary-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(204, 228, 255)
- Weaker background color used for primary actions or highlights.
- $color-background-primary-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(235, 244, 255)
- Weakest background color used for primary actions or highlights.
- $color-background-required
- Token value:
- rgb(235, 86, 86)
- #EB5656
- Background color used to represent required form fields.
- $color-background-row-striped
- Token value:
- rgb(244, 244, 246)
- #F4F4F6
- Background color used for alternative striped rows.
- $color-background-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(225, 227, 234)
- #E1E3EA
- Strong background color used for containers.
- $color-background-strong-elevation
- Token value:
- rgb(225, 227, 234)
- #E1E3EA
- Elevation token for color-background-strong elements.
- $color-background-stronger
- Token value:
- rgb(136, 145, 170)
- #8891AA
- Stronger background color used for containers.
- $color-background-strongest
- Token value:
- rgb(75, 86, 113)
- #4B5671
- Strongest background color used for containers.
- $color-background-subaccount
- Token value:
- rgb(255, 251, 234)
- Background color used for subaccounts.
- $color-background-success
- Token value:
- rgb(20, 176, 83)
- #14B053
- Background color used for success alerts and toasts.
- $color-background-success-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(237, 253, 243)
- Weakest background color used for success alerts and toasts.
- $color-background-trial
- Token value:
- rgb(209, 250, 224)
- #D1FAE0
- Background color used for trial accounts.
- $color-background-unavailable
- Token value:
- rgb(214, 31, 31)
- #D61F1F
- Background color used to represent an entity or person as "unavailable".
- $color-background-user
- Token value:
- rgb(200, 175, 240)
- #C8AFF0
- Background color used for user avatars.
- $color-background-warning
- Token value:
- rgb(244, 124, 34)
- #F47C22
- Background color used for warning alerts and toasts.
- $color-background-warning-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(254, 245, 238)
- Weakest background color used for warning alerts and toasts.
- $color-background-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(249, 249, 250)
- #F9F9FA
- Weak background color used for containers.
- $color-background-weak-elevation
- Token value:
- rgb(249, 249, 250)
- #F9F9FA
- Elevation token for color-background-weak elements.
- $color-background-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(255, 255, 255)
- Background color for elevated elements. Matches color-background-body in light mode but appears slightly lighter in dark mode to maintain focus.
- $color-background-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(255, 255, 255)
- The weakest background color used for containers.
Read the color guidelines to learn more about using border color tokens in Paste.
- $color-border
- Token value:
- rgb(136, 145, 170)
- #8891AA
- Default border color
- $color-border-decorative-10-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(225, 227, 234)
- #E1E3EA
- Weaker border color with no semantic meaning, used for decorative purposes only. Should generally be used with matching decorative background and/or text tokens.
- $color-border-decorative-20-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(204, 228, 255)
- Weaker border color with no semantic meaning, used for decorative purposes only. Should generally be used with matching decorative background and/or text tokens.
- $color-border-decorative-30-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(209, 250, 224)
- #D1FAE0
- Weaker border color with no semantic meaning, used for decorative purposes only. Should generally be used with matching decorative background and/or text tokens.
- $color-border-decorative-40-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(231, 220, 250)
- Weaker border color with no semantic meaning, used for decorative purposes only. Should generally be used with matching decorative background and/or text tokens.
- $color-border-destructive
- Token value:
- rgb(214, 31, 31)
- #D61F1F
- Destructive border color
- $color-border-destructive-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(117, 12, 12)
- #750C0C
- Destructive focus border color
- $color-border-destructive-stronger
- Token value:
- rgb(74, 11, 11)
- #4A0B0B
- Stronger destructive hover border color
- $color-border-destructive-strongest
- Token value:
- rgb(49, 12, 12)
- #310C0C
- Strongest destructive hover border color
- $color-border-destructive-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(246, 177, 177)
- #F6B1B1
- Destructive focus border color
- $color-border-destructive-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(252, 207, 207)
- Destructive focus border color
- $color-border-destructive-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(254, 236, 236)
- Destructive focus border color
- $color-border-error
- Token value:
- rgb(214, 31, 31)
- #D61F1F
- Error border color
- $color-border-error-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(117, 12, 12)
- #750C0C
- Strong error border color
- $color-border-error-stronger
- Token value:
- rgb(74, 11, 11)
- #4A0B0B
- Stronger error border color
- $color-border-error-strongest
- Token value:
- rgb(49, 12, 12)
- #310C0C
- Strongest error border color
- $color-border-error-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(245, 138, 138)
- #F58A8A
- Weak error border color
- $color-border-error-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(252, 207, 207)
- Weaker error border color
- $color-border-error-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(254, 236, 236)
- Weakest error border color
- $color-border-inverse
- Token value:
- rgb(136, 145, 170)
- #8891AA
- Border on inverse backgrounds. Must be used on color-background-body-inverse.
- $color-border-inverse-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(225, 227, 234)
- #E1E3EA
- Strong border on inverse backgrounds. Must be used on color-background-body-inverse.
- $color-border-inverse-stronger
- Token value:
- rgb(244, 244, 246)
- #F4F4F6
- Stronger border on inverse backgrounds. Must be used on color-background-body-inverse.
- $color-border-inverse-strongest
- Token value:
- rgb(255, 255, 255)
- Strongest border on inverse backgrounds. Must be used on color-background-body-inverse.
- $color-border-inverse-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(57, 71, 98)
- #394762
- Weaker border on inverse backgrounds. Must be used on color-background-body-inverse.
- $color-border-inverse-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(31, 48, 76)
- #1F304C
- Weakest border on inverse backgrounds. Must be used on color-background-body-inverse.
- $color-border-neutral
- Token value:
- rgb(2, 99, 224)
- #0263E0
- Neutral border color
- $color-border-neutral-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(102, 179, 255)
- #66B3FF
- Weak neutral border color
- $color-border-neutral-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(204, 228, 255)
- Weaker neutral border color
- $color-border-new-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(166, 127, 227)
- #A67FE3
- Weak border color for something designated as new
- $color-border-new-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(231, 220, 250)
- Weaker border color for something designated as new
- $color-border-primary
- Token value:
- rgb(2, 99, 224)
- #0263E0
- Primary border color
- $color-border-primary-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(0, 20, 137)
- #001489
- Strong primary border color
- $color-border-primary-stronger
- Token value:
- rgb(3, 11, 93)
- #030B5D
- Stronger primary border color
- $color-border-primary-strongest
- Token value:
- rgb(6, 3, 58)
- #06033A
- Strongest primary border color
- $color-border-primary-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(153, 205, 255)
- #99CDFF
- Weak primary border color
- $color-border-primary-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(204, 228, 255)
- Weaker primary border color
- $color-border-primary-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(235, 244, 255)
- Weakest primary border color
- $color-border-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(96, 107, 133)
- #606B85
- Strong border color
- $color-border-success
- Token value:
- rgb(20, 176, 83)
- #14B053
- Success border color
- $color-border-success-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(54, 213, 118)
- #36D576
- Weak success border color
- $color-border-success-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(209, 250, 224)
- #D1FAE0
- Weaker success border color
- $color-border-success-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(237, 253, 243)
- Weakest success border color
- $color-border-user
- Token value:
- rgb(231, 220, 250)
- User avatar border color.
- $color-border-warning
- Token value:
- rgb(244, 124, 34)
- #F47C22
- Warning border color
- $color-border-warning-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(255, 179, 122)
- #FFB37A
- Weak warning border color
- $color-border-warning-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(253, 220, 196)
- Weaker warning border color
- $color-border-warning-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(254, 245, 238)
- Weakest warning border color
- $color-border-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(202, 205, 216)
- Weak border color
- $color-border-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(225, 227, 234)
- #E1E3EA
- Weaker border color
- $color-border-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(255, 255, 255)
- Weakest border color
- $border-width-0
- Token value:
- 0
- Border width reset
- $border-width-10
- Token value:
- 1px
- Constant border width token for border width 10
- $border-width-20
- Token value:
- 2px
- Constant border width token for border width 20
- $border-width-30
- Token value:
- 4px
- Constant border width token for border width 30
- $border-width-40
- Token value:
- 8px
- Constant border width token for border width 40
Box shadows are used in a number of ways: some are true shadows that are used to create depth and demonstrate the hierarchy of layered elements; other box shadow tokens are duplicates of border tokens and are used to visually add a border without affecting the height of the component; box shadow tokens are also used for focus states on components.
Did you know?
Borders add height to an element, but box shadows do not. It's why we need to use box shadows on some components and not others.
- $shadow
- Token value:
- 0 4px 16px 0 rgba(18, 28, 45, 0.2)
- Default shadow.
- $shadow-border
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #8891aa
- Shadow border for inputs.
- $shadow-border-bottom-brand-10-strong
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #855c15
- Strong bottom shadow border for brand 10
- $shadow-border-bottom-brand-20-strong
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #043cb5
- Strong bottom shadow border for brand 20
- $shadow-border-bottom-brand-30-strong
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #0e7c3a
- Strong bottom shadow border for brand 30
- $shadow-border-bottom-decorative-10-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #e1e3ea
- Weaker bottom shadow border for decorative 10
- $shadow-border-bottom-decorative-20-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #cce4ff
- Weaker bottom shadow border for decorative 20
- $shadow-border-bottom-decorative-30-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #d1fae0
- Weaker bottom shadow border for decorative 30
- $shadow-border-bottom-decorative-40-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #e7dcfa
- Weaker bottom shadow border for decorative 40
- $shadow-border-bottom-error-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #fccfcf
- Weaker bottom shadow border for error status
- $shadow-border-bottom-inverse-new-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #5817bd
- Bottom shadow border for the sidebar beta badge
- $shadow-border-bottom-inverse-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #394762
- Bottom shadow border for inverse border weaker color
- $shadow-border-bottom-inverse-weaker-inset
- Token value:
- inset 0 -1px 0 0 #394762
- Weaker bottom shadow border for tab container on inverse backgrounds
- $shadow-border-bottom-neutral-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #cce4ff
- Weaker bottom shadow border for neutral status
- $shadow-border-bottom-new-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #e7dcfa
- Weaker bottom shadow border for new status
- $shadow-border-bottom-notification-stronger
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #4a0b0b
- Stronger bottom shadow border for notification.
- $shadow-border-bottom-primary
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #006dfa
- Bottom shadow border for primary status
- $shadow-border-bottom-subaccount
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #ffdd35
- Bottom shadow border for subaccount badge
- $shadow-border-bottom-success-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #d1fae0
- Weaker bottom shadow border for success status
- $shadow-border-bottom-warning-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #fddcc4
- Weaker bottom shadow border for warning status
- $shadow-border-bottom-weak
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #cacdd8
- Bottom shadow border for border weak color
- $shadow-border-bottom-weak-inset
- Token value:
- inset 0 -1px 0 0 #cacdd8
- Weak bottom shadow border for tab container
- $shadow-border-brand-10
- Token value:
- saffron
- Shadow border for brand 10
- $shadow-border-brand-20
- Token value:
- sky
- Shadow border for brand 20
- $shadow-border-brand-30
- Token value:
- mint
- Shadow border for brand 30
- $shadow-border-decorative-10-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #e1e3ea
- Weaker shadow border for decorative 10
- $shadow-border-decorative-20-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #cce4ff
- Weaker shadow border for decorative 20
- $shadow-border-decorative-30-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #d1fae0
- Weaker shadow border for decorative 30
- $shadow-border-decorative-40-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #e7dcfa
- Weaker shadow border for decorative 40
- $shadow-border-destructive
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #d61f1f
- Shadow border for destructive interactions.
- $shadow-border-destructive-strong
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #750c0c
- Strong shadow border for destructive interactions
- $shadow-border-destructive-stronger
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #4a0b0b
- Strong shadow border for destructive interactions
- $shadow-border-destructive-strongest
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #310c0c
- Strongest shadow border for destructive interactions
- $shadow-border-destructive-weak
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #f6b1b1
- Weak shadow border for destructive interactions.
- $shadow-border-destructive-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #fccfcf
- Weaker shadow border for destructive interactions.
- $shadow-border-error
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #d61f1f
- Shadow border for error inputs.
- $shadow-border-error-strong
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #750c0c
- Shadow border for error inputs hover.
- $shadow-border-error-stronger
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #4a0b0b
- Shadow border for error inputs hover.
- $shadow-border-error-strongest
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #310c0c
- Strongest shadow border for error inputs hover.
- $shadow-border-error-weak
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #eb5656
- Shadow border for inverse error inputs.
- $shadow-border-error-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #fccfcf
- Weaker shadow border for error inputs.
- $shadow-border-inverse
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #8891aa
- Shadow border on interactive elements on inverse backgrounds.
- $shadow-border-inverse-new-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #5817bd
- Shadow border for the sidebar beta badge.
- $shadow-border-inverse-strong
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #e1e3ea
- Strong shadow border on interactive elements on inverse backgrounds.
- $shadow-border-inverse-stronger
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #f4f4f6
- Stronger shadow border on interactive elements on inverse backgrounds.
- $shadow-border-inverse-strongest
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #ffffff
- Strongest shadow border on interactive elements on inverse backgrounds.
- $shadow-border-inverse-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #394762
- Weaker shadow border on interactive elements on inverse backgrounds.
- $shadow-border-inverse-weakest
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #1f304c
- Weakest shadow border on interactive elements on inverse backgrounds.
- $shadow-border-neutral-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #cce4ff
- Weaker shadow border for neutral inputs.
- $shadow-border-new-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #e7dcfa
- Weaker shadow border for new status inputs.
- $shadow-border-notification
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 #d61f1f
- Shadow border for notification.
- $shadow-border-primary
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #0263e0
- Default shadow border for primary interactions.
- $shadow-border-primary-strong
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #001489
- Strong shadow border for inputs hover.
- $shadow-border-primary-stronger
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #030b5d
- Stronger shadow border for inputs active.
- $shadow-border-primary-strongest
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #06033a
- Strongest shadow border for inputs active.
- $shadow-border-primary-weak
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #99cdff
- Weaker shadow border for primary interactions.
- $shadow-border-primary-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #cce4ff
- Weaker shadow border for primary interactions.
- $shadow-border-right-inverse-strong
- Token value:
- 1px 0 #e1e3ea
- Right shadow border for hover status of vertical tabs on inverse backgrounds
- $shadow-border-strong
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #606b85
- Strong shadow border for inputs.
- $shadow-border-subaccount
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #fff1b3
- Shadow border for subaccount badge.
- $shadow-border-success-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #d1fae0
- Weaker shadow border for success inputs.
- $shadow-border-top-inverse-strongest
- Token value:
- 0 -1px 0 #cce4ff
- Top shadow border for for selected status of horizontal tabs on inverse backgrounds
- $shadow-border-top-primary
- Token value:
- 0 -1px 0 #006dfa
- Top shadow border for selected status of horizontal tabs
- $shadow-border-top-primary-strongest
- Token value:
- 0 -1px 0 #030b5d
- Top shadow border for selected hover status of horizontal tabs
- $shadow-border-user
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #8c5bd8
- Shadow border for user.
- $shadow-border-warning-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #fddcc4
- Weaker shadow border for warning inputs.
- $shadow-border-weak
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #cacdd8
- Weak shadow border for disabled inputs.
- $shadow-border-weaker
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #e1e3ea
- Weaker shadow border for disabled inputs.
- $shadow-card
- Token value:
- 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(18, 28, 45, 0.1)
- Shadow for cards.
- $shadow-elevation-05
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #edeef2
- Accent shadows that subtly define the edges of a container. They serve as a lightweight alternative to risen shadows at lower elevations.
- $shadow-elevation-10
- Token value:
- 0 -1px 0 0 #f4f4f6, 0 3px 4px 0 rgba(15, 22, 33, 0.1)
- Use on elements that overlay other UI components but remain visually connected to the elements behind them.
- $shadow-elevation-20
- Token value:
- 0 6px 8px 0 rgba(15, 22, 33, 0.1), 16px 16px 32px 0 rgba(15, 22, 33, 0.05)
- Use on elements with decorative or semantic use of color that sit above the UI to indicate a greater distance distance from the surface behind them.
- $shadow-elevation-bottom-05
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 0 #edeef2
- Accent shadows that subtly define the bottom edge of an element. They serve as a lightweight alternative to risen shadows at lower elevations.
- $shadow-elevation-bottom-inverse-05
- Token value:
- 0 1px 0 0 #1f304c
- Accent shadows that subtly define the bottom edge of an inverse element. They serve as a lightweight alternative to risen shadows at lower elevations.
- $shadow-elevation-inverse-05
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #1f304c
- Accent shadows that subtly define the the edges of a container on inverse backgrounds. They serve as a lightweight alternative to risen shadows at lower elevations.
- $shadow-elevation-inverse-10
- Token value:
- 0 -1px 0 0 #1f304c, 0 3px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
- Use on inverse elements that overlay other UI components but remain visually connected to the elements behind them.
- $shadow-elevation-left-20
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #f9f9fa, -4px 0 8px 0 rgba(15, 22, 33, 0.1), -16px 0 32px 0 rgba(15, 22, 33, 0.05)
- Use for elements that dynamically open from the right side of the screen, appearing above the UI to indicate a greater separation from the underlying surface.
- $shadow-elevation-right-inverse-05
- Token value:
- 1px 0 0 0 #1f304c
- Accent shadows that subtly define the right edge of an inverse element. They serve as a lightweight alternative to risen shadows at lower elevations.
- $shadow-elevation-top-05
- Token value:
- 0 -1px 0 0 #edeef2
- Accent shadows that subtly define the top edges of an element. They serve as a lightweight alternative to risen shadows at lower elevations.
- $shadow-elevation-top-20
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 1px #f9f9fa, 0 6px 8px 0 rgba(15, 22, 33, 0.1), 16px 16px 32px 0 rgba(15, 22, 33, 0.05)
- Use on elements that sit above the UI to indicate a greater distance distance from the surface behind them.
- $shadow-focus
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 4px rgba(2, 99, 224, 0.7)
- Shadow for focus ring on interactive elements.
- $shadow-focus-inset
- Token value:
- inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(2, 99, 224, 0.7)
- Shadow for inset focus on elements, such as DataGrid cells.
- $shadow-focus-inverse
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 4px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)
- Shadow for focus ring on interactive elements on inverse backgrounds.
- $shadow-focus-inverse-inset
- Token value:
- inset 0 0 0 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4)
- Shadow for inset focus ring on interactive elements on inverse backgrounds.
- $shadow-focus-shadow-border
- Token value:
- 0 0 0 4px rgba(2, 99, 224, 0.7), 0 0 0 1px #8891aa
- Shadow for simultaneous focus and border.
- $shadow-high
- Token value:
- 0 16px 24px 0 rgba(18, 28, 45, 0.2)
- High elevation default shadow.
- $shadow-left
- Token value:
- 4px 0 8px -4px rgba(18, 28, 45, 0.2)
- Left shadow border for elements.
- $shadow-left-inverse
- Token value:
- 4px 0 8px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
- Left shadow border for inverse elements.
- $shadow-low
- Token value:
- 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(18, 28, 45, 0.1)
- Low elevation default shadow.
- $shadow-right
- Token value:
- -4px 0 8px -4px rgba(18, 28, 45, 0.2)
- Right shadow border for elements.
- $shadow-right-inverse
- Token value:
- -4px 0 8px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
- Right shadow border for inverse elements.
Data visualization colors are for usage within charts. Read the data visualization guidelines to learn more about building charts with Paste.
- $color-data-visualization-1
- Token value:
- rgb(0, 20, 137)
- Color used for data visualizations. Must be used in a sequence.
- $color-data-visualization-2
- Token value:
- rgb(14, 124, 58)
- Color used for data visualizations. Must be used in a sequence.
- $color-data-visualization-3
- Token value:
- rgb(13, 58, 31)
- Color used for data visualizations. Must be used in a sequence.
- $color-data-visualization-4
- Token value:
- rgb(0, 140, 255)
- Color used for data visualizations. Must be used in a sequence.
- $color-data-visualization-5
- Token value:
- rgb(57, 71, 98)
- Color used for data visualizations. Must be used in a sequence.
- $color-data-visualization-6
- Token value:
- rgb(166, 127, 227)
- Color used for data visualizations. Must be used in a sequence.
- $color-data-visualization-7
- Token value:
- rgb(109, 46, 209)
- Color used for data visualizations. Must be used in a sequence.
- $color-data-visualization-8
- Token value:
- rgb(136, 145, 170)
- Color used for data visualizations. Must be used in a sequence.
- $color-data-visualization-9
- Token value:
- rgb(117, 12, 12)
- Color used for data visualizations. Must be used in a sequence.
- $color-data-visualization-10
- Token value:
- rgb(235, 86, 86)
- Color used for data visualizations. Must be used in a sequence.
- Example text:
- $font-family-code
- Token value:
- 'TwilioSansMono', Courier, monospace
- Example text:
- $font-family-display
- Token value:
- 'Inter var experimental', 'Inter var', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif
- Example text:
- $font-family-text
- Token value:
- 'Inter var experimental', 'Inter var', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif
- Example text:
- $font-family-text-chinese-simplified
- Token value:
- 'Inter var experimental', 'Inter var', 'Microsoft YaHei New', 微软雅黑, 'Microsoft Yahei', 'Microsoft JhengHei', 宋体, SimSun, sans-serif
- Example text:
- $font-family-text-chinese-traditional
- Token value:
- 'Inter var experimental', 'Inter var', 'Microsoft JhengHei', 微軟正黑體, 'Microsoft JhengHei UI', 'Microsoft YaHei', 微軟雅黑, 宋体, SimSun, sans-serif
- Example text:
- $font-family-text-japanese
- Token value:
- 'Inter var experimental', 'Inter var', Hiragino Sans, 'ヒラギノ角ゴ ProN W3', 'Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN', 'メイリオ', Meiryo, Osaka, 'MS PGothic', sans-serif
- Example text:
- $font-family-text-korean
- Token value:
- 'Inter var experimental', 'Inter var', 'Microsoft JhengHei', 微軟正黑體, 'Microsoft JhengHei UI', 'Microsoft YaHei', 微軟雅黑, 宋体, SimSun, sans-serif
Font size tokens use rem values, and 1 rem unit is equal to 16 pixels in Paste. Unlike em values which are relative to their parent element, rem values are relative to the html element.
Heads up about font sizes in Paste
If you aren't using the Theme.Provider component, you must set font-size: 100%; on your page's html tag for the font-sizes to be sized correctly as 1rem=16px.
- Example text:
- $font-size-10
- Token value:
- 0.625rem
- 10px
- Constant typography token for font size 10
- Example text:
- $font-size-20
- Token value:
- 0.75rem
- 12px
- Constant typography token for font size 20
- Example text:
- $font-size-30
- Token value:
- 0.875rem
- 14px
- Constant typography token for font size 30
- Example text:
- $font-size-40
- Token value:
- 1rem
- 16px
- Constant typography token for font size 40
- Example text:
- $font-size-50
- Token value:
- 1.125rem
- 18px
- Constant typography token for font size 50
- Example text:
- $font-size-60
- Token value:
- 1.25rem
- 20px
- Constant typography token for font size 60
- Example text:
- $font-size-70
- Token value:
- 1.5rem
- 24px
- Constant typography token for font size 70
- Example text:
- $font-size-80
- Token value:
- 1.75rem
- 28px
- Constant typography token for font size 80
- Example text:
- $font-size-90
- Token value:
- 2rem
- 32px
- Constant typography token for font size 90
- Example text:
- $font-size-100
- Token value:
- 2.5rem
- 40px
- Constant typography token for font size 100
- Example text:
- $font-size-110
- Token value:
- 3rem
- 48px
- Constant typography token for font size 110
- Example text:
- $font-size-base
- Token value:
- 100%
- 16px
- Base font size applied to the html element, used for rem calculations
- Example text:
- $font-size-display-10
- Token value:
- 2rem
- 32px
- Constant typography token for font size display 10
- Example text:
- $font-size-display-20
- Token value:
- 3rem
- 48px
- Constant typography token for font size display 20
- Example text:
- $font-size-display-30
- Token value:
- 4rem
- 64px
- Constant typography token for font size display 30
- Example text:
- $font-weight-light
- Token value:
- 400
- Font weight for light weight
- Example text:
- $font-weight-normal
- Token value:
- 400
- Font weight for normal weight
- Example text:
- $font-weight-medium
- Token value:
- 500
- Font weight for medium weight
- Example text:
- $font-weight-semibold
- Token value:
- 600
- Font weight for semibold weight
- Example text:
- $font-weight-bold
- Token value:
- 700
- Font weight for bold weight
- Example text:
- $font-weight-extrabold
- Token value:
- 800
- Font weight for extrabold weight
- $line-height-0
- Token value:
- 0
- 0px
- Constant line-height token for line-height 0
- $line-height-05
- Token value:
- 0.75rem
- 12px
- Constant line-height token for line-height 05
- $line-height-10
- Token value:
- 1rem
- 16px
- Constant line-height token for line-height 10
- $line-height-20
- Token value:
- 1.25rem
- 20px
- Constant line-height token for line-height 20
- $line-height-30
- Token value:
- 1.25rem
- 20px
- Constant line-height token for line-height 30
- $line-height-40
- Token value:
- 1.5rem
- 24px
- Constant line-height token for line-height 40
- $line-height-50
- Token value:
- 1.75rem
- 28px
- Constant line-height token for line-height 50
- $line-height-60
- Token value:
- 1.75rem
- 28px
- Constant line-height token for line-height 60
- $line-height-70
- Token value:
- 2rem
- 32px
- Constant line-height token for line-height 70
- $line-height-80
- Token value:
- 2.5rem
- 40px
- Constant line-height token for line-height 80
- $line-height-90
- Token value:
- 2.5rem
- 40px
- Constant line-height token for line-height 90
- $line-height-100
- Token value:
- 3.25rem
- 52px
- Constant line-height token for line-height 100
- $line-height-110
- Token value:
- 4rem
- 64px
- Constant line-height token for line-height 110
- $line-height-display-10
- Token value:
- 2.5rem
- 40px
- Constant line-height token for line-height-display 10
- $line-height-display-20
- Token value:
- 3.75rem
- 60px
- Constant line-height token for line-height-display 20
- $line-height-display-30
- Token value:
- 5rem
- 80px
- Constant line-height token for line-height-display 30
- $border-radius-0
- Token value:
- 0
- Border radius reset
- $border-radius-10
- Token value:
- 2px
- Smallest border radius
- $border-radius-20
- Token value:
- 4px
- Small border radius
- $border-radius-30
- Token value:
- 8px
- Small-medium border radius
- $border-radius-40
- Token value:
- 12px
- Medium border radius
- $border-radius-50
- Token value:
- 16px
- Medium-large border radius
- $border-radius-60
- Token value:
- 20px
- Large border radiusr
- $border-radius-70
- Token value:
- 24px
- Larger border radius
- $border-radius-80
- Token value:
- 28px
- Extra-large border radius
- $border-radius-90
- Token value:
- 32px
- Largest border radius
- $border-radius-circle
- Token value:
- 50%
- Circular border radius
- $border-radius-pill
- Token value:
- 100px
- Pill border radius
- $size-0
- Token value:
- 0
- 0px
- Generic sizing token for layouts and containers.
- $size-10
- Token value:
- 5.5rem
- 88px
- Generic sizing token for layouts and containers.
- $size-20
- Token value:
- 12rem
- 192px
- Generic sizing token for layouts and containers.
- $size-30
- Token value:
- 18.5rem
- 296px
- Generic sizing token for layouts and containers.
- $size-40
- Token value:
- 25rem
- 400px
- Generic sizing token for layouts and containers.
- $size-50
- Token value:
- 31.5rem
- 504px
- Generic sizing token for layouts and containers.
- $size-60
- Token value:
- 38rem
- 608px
- Generic sizing token for layouts and containers.
- $size-70
- Token value:
- 44.5rem
- 712px
- Generic sizing token for layouts and containers.
- $size-80
- Token value:
- 51rem
- 816px
- Generic sizing token for layouts and containers.
- $size-90
- Token value:
- 57.5rem
- 920px
- Generic sizing token for layouts and containers.
- $size-100
- Token value:
- 64rem
- 1024px
- Generic sizing token for layouts and containers.
- $size-110
- Token value:
- 70.5rem
- 1128px
- Generic sizing token for layouts and containers.
- $size-120
- Token value:
- 77rem
- 1232px
- Generic sizing token for layouts and containers.
- $size-base-0
- Token value:
- 0
- 0px
- Generic sizing token for UI components
- $size-base-10
- Token value:
- 0.25rem
- 4px
- Generic sizing token for UI components
- $size-base-20
- Token value:
- 0.5rem
- 8px
- Generic sizing token for UI components
- $size-base-30
- Token value:
- 0.75rem
- 12px
- Generic sizing token for UI components
- $size-base-40
- Token value:
- 1rem
- 16px
- Generic sizing token for UI components
- $size-base-50
- Token value:
- 1.25rem
- 20px
- Generic sizing token for UI components
- $size-base-60
- Token value:
- 1.5rem
- 24px
- Generic sizing token for UI components
- $size-base-70
- Token value:
- 1.75rem
- 28px
- Generic sizing token for UI components
- $size-base-80
- Token value:
- 2rem
- 32px
- Generic sizing token for UI components
- $size-base-90
- Token value:
- 2.25rem
- 36px
- Generic sizing token for UI components
- $size-icon-05
- Token value:
- 0.75rem
- 12px
- Maps to line-height tokens 1:1
- $size-icon-10
- Token value:
- 1rem
- 16px
- Maps to line-height tokens 1:1
- $size-icon-20
- Token value:
- 1.25rem
- 20px
- Maps to line-height tokens 1:1
- $size-icon-30
- Token value:
- 1.25rem
- 20px
- Maps to line-height tokens 1:1
- $size-icon-40
- Token value:
- 1.5rem
- 24px
- Maps to line-height tokens 1:1
- $size-icon-50
- Token value:
- 1.75rem
- 28px
- Maps to line-height tokens 1:1
- $size-icon-60
- Token value:
- 1.75rem
- 28px
- Maps to line-height tokens 1:1
- $size-icon-70
- Token value:
- 2rem
- 32px
- Maps to line-height tokens 1:1
- $size-icon-80
- Token value:
- 2.5rem
- 40px
- Maps to line-height tokens 1:1
- $size-icon-90
- Token value:
- 2.5rem
- 40px
- Maps to line-height tokens 1:1
- $size-icon-100
- Token value:
- 3.25rem
- 52px
- Maps to line-height tokens 1:1
- $size-icon-110
- Token value:
- 4rem
- 64px
- Maps to line-height tokens 1:1
- $size-sidebar
- Token value:
- 15rem
- 240px
- Sizing token for sidebar width.
- $size-sidebar-compact
- Token value:
- 4.75rem
- 76px
- Sizing token for the compact sidebar width.
- $size-square-0
- Token value:
- 0
- 0px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-10
- Token value:
- 0.125rem
- 2px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-20
- Token value:
- 0.25rem
- 4px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-25
- Token value:
- 0.375rem
- 6px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-30
- Token value:
- 0.5rem
- 8px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-40
- Token value:
- 0.75rem
- 12px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-50
- Token value:
- 1rem
- 16px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-60
- Token value:
- 1.25rem
- 20px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-70
- Token value:
- 1.5rem
- 24px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-80
- Token value:
- 1.75rem
- 28px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-90
- Token value:
- 2rem
- 32px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-100
- Token value:
- 2.25rem
- 36px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-110
- Token value:
- 2.5rem
- 40px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-120
- Token value:
- 2.75rem
- 44px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-130
- Token value:
- 3rem
- 48px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-140
- Token value:
- 3.25rem
- 52px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-150
- Token value:
- 3.5rem
- 56px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-160
- Token value:
- 3.75rem
- 60px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-170
- Token value:
- 4rem
- 64px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-180
- Token value:
- 4.25rem
- 68px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-190
- Token value:
- 4.5rem
- 72px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-square-200
- Token value:
- 4.75rem
- 76px
- Generic square sizing token scale for UI components.
- $size-topbar
- Token value:
- 4.75rem
- 76px
- Sizing token for the minimum topbar height.
- $space-0
- Token value:
- 0
- 0px
- $space-10
- Token value:
- 0.125rem
- 2px
- $space-20
- Token value:
- 0.25rem
- 4px
- $space-30
- Token value:
- 0.5rem
- 8px
- $space-40
- Token value:
- 0.75rem
- 12px
- $space-50
- Token value:
- 1rem
- 16px
- $space-60
- Token value:
- 1.25rem
- 20px
- $space-70
- Token value:
- 1.5rem
- 24px
- $space-80
- Token value:
- 1.75rem
- 28px
- $space-90
- Token value:
- 2rem
- 32px
- $space-100
- Token value:
- 2.25rem
- 36px
- $space-110
- Token value:
- 2.5rem
- 40px
- $space-120
- Token value:
- 2.75rem
- 44px
- $space-130
- Token value:
- 3rem
- 48px
- $space-140
- Token value:
- 3.25rem
- 52px
- $space-150
- Token value:
- 3.5rem
- 56px
- $space-160
- Token value:
- 3.75rem
- 60px
- $space-170
- Token value:
- 4rem
- 64px
- $space-180
- Token value:
- 4.25rem
- 68px
- $space-190
- Token value:
- 4.5rem
- 72px
- $space-200
- Token value:
- 4.75rem
- 76px
- $space-210
- Token value:
- 5rem
- 80px
- $space-220
- Token value:
- 5.25rem
- 84px
- $space-230
- Token value:
- 5.5rem
- 88px
- $space-240
- Token value:
- 5.75rem
- 92px
- $space-250
- Token value:
- 6rem
- 96px
- $space-260
- Token value:
- 6.25rem
- 100px
- $space-270
- Token value:
- 6.5rem
- 104px
- $space-280
- Token value:
- 6.75rem
- 108px
- $space-290
- Token value:
- 7rem
- 112px
- $space-300
- Token value:
- 7.25rem
- 116px
- $space-310
- Token value:
- 7.5rem
- 120px
- $space-negative-10
- Token value:
- -0.125rem
- -2px
- $space-negative-20
- Token value:
- -0.25rem
- -4px
- $space-negative-30
- Token value:
- -0.5rem
- -8px
- $space-negative-40
- Token value:
- -0.75rem
- -12px
- $space-negative-50
- Token value:
- -1rem
- -16px
- $space-negative-60
- Token value:
- -1.25rem
- -20px
- $space-negative-70
- Token value:
- -1.5rem
- -24px
- $space-negative-80
- Token value:
- -1.75rem
- -28px
- $space-negative-90
- Token value:
- -2rem
- -32px
- $space-negative-100
- Token value:
- -2.25rem
- -36px
- $space-negative-110
- Token value:
- -2.5rem
- -40px
- $space-negative-120
- Token value:
- -2.75rem
- -44px
- $space-negative-130
- Token value:
- -3rem
- -48px
- $space-negative-140
- Token value:
- -3.25rem
- -52px
- $space-negative-150
- Token value:
- -3.5rem
- -56px
- $space-negative-160
- Token value:
- -3.75rem
- -60px
- $space-negative-170
- Token value:
- -4rem
- -64px
- $space-negative-180
- Token value:
- -4.25rem
- -68px
- $space-negative-190
- Token value:
- -4.5rem
- -72px
- $space-negative-200
- Token value:
- -4.75rem
- -76px
Text color tokens define both text and icon colors. We specifically have color-text-*
tokens, since icons have lower contrast requirements than text. This means that text color tokens can be used for icons, but icon color tokens cannot be used for text. Read the color guidelines to learn more about using text color tokens in Paste.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text
- Token value:
- rgb(18, 28, 45)
- #121C2D
- Body text color
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-brand
- Token value:
- rgb(18, 28, 45)
- #121C2D
- Text color to be used on top of brand accent background colors such as color-background-brand-10 only.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA Conditional
- $color-text-brand-highlight
- Token value:
- rgb(242, 47, 70)
- #F22F46
- Twilio brand red, accessible on large text only.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-brand-inverse
- Token value:
- rgb(255, 255, 255)
- Text color used on any brand color
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-decorative-10
- Token value:
- rgb(96, 107, 133)
- #606B85
- Text color with no semantic meaning, used for decorative purposes only. Should generally be used with matching decorative background and/or border tokens.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-decorative-20
- Token value:
- rgb(0, 20, 137)
- #001489
- Text color with no semantic meaning, used for decorative purposes only. Should generally be used with matching decorative background and/or border tokens.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-decorative-30
- Token value:
- rgb(14, 124, 58)
- #0E7C3A
- Text color with no semantic meaning, used for decorative purposes only. Should generally be used with matching decorative background and/or border tokens.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-decorative-40
- Token value:
- rgb(109, 46, 209)
- #6D2ED1
- Text color with no semantic meaning, used for decorative purposes only. Should generally be used with matching decorative background and/or border tokens.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-destructive
- Token value:
- rgb(214, 31, 31)
- #D61F1F
- Destructive text.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-destructive-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(173, 17, 17)
- #AD1111
- Strong shade of destructive text.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-destructive-stronger
- Token value:
- rgb(74, 11, 11)
- #4A0B0B
- Stronger shade of destructive text.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-destructive-strongest
- Token value:
- rgb(49, 12, 12)
- #310C0C
- Strongest shade of destructive text.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: Fail
- $color-text-destructive-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(246, 177, 177)
- #F6B1B1
- Weak shade of destructive text.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-error
- Token value:
- rgb(214, 31, 31)
- #D61F1F
- Error text for inputs and error misc
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-error-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(173, 17, 17)
- #AD1111
- Strong error text for inputs and error misc
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-error-stronger
- Token value:
- rgb(74, 11, 11)
- #4A0B0B
- Stronger error text for inputs and error misc
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-error-strongest
- Token value:
- rgb(49, 12, 12)
- #310C0C
- Strongest error text for inputs and error misc.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA Conditional
- $color-text-error-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(235, 86, 86)
- #EB5656
- Weak error text for inputs and error misc
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-icon
- Token value:
- rgb(96, 107, 133)
- #606B85
- Default icon color.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-icon-available
- Token value:
- rgb(14, 124, 58)
- #0E7C3A
- Icon color for indicating a available status
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA Conditional
- $color-text-icon-brand-highlight
- Token value:
- rgb(242, 47, 70)
- #F22F46
- Twilio brand red icon color used for the Twilio logo.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-icon-brand-inverse
- Token value:
- rgb(255, 255, 255)
- Twilio brand icon color used for the Twilio logo on inverse backgrounds.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA Conditional
- $color-text-icon-busy
- Token value:
- rgb(227, 106, 25)
- #E36A19
- Icon color for indicating a busy status
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-icon-error
- Token value:
- rgb(214, 31, 31)
- #D61F1F
- Icon color for indicating an error.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-icon-inverse
- Token value:
- rgb(136, 145, 170)
- #8891AA
- Default icon color for inverse backgrounds.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-icon-neutral
- Token value:
- rgb(0, 20, 137)
- #001489
- Icon color for being neutral.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-icon-new
- Token value:
- rgb(109, 46, 209)
- #6D2ED1
- Icon color for indicating a new status.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA Conditional
- $color-text-icon-notification
- Token value:
- rgb(235, 86, 86)
- #EB5656
- Icon color for notification elements.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-icon-offline
- Token value:
- rgb(96, 107, 133)
- #606B85
- Icon color for indicating a offline status
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-icon-success
- Token value:
- rgb(14, 124, 58)
- #0E7C3A
- Icon color for indicating success.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-icon-unavailable
- Token value:
- rgb(214, 31, 31)
- #D61F1F
- Icon color for indicating a unavailable status
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA Conditional
- $color-text-icon-warning
- Token value:
- rgb(227, 106, 25)
- #E36A19
- Icon color for indicating a warning.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-inverse
- Token value:
- rgb(255, 255, 255)
- Inverse text color for dark backgrounds. Must pass AA color contrast with color-background-body-inverse.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-inverse-new
- Token value:
- rgb(200, 175, 240)
- #C8AFF0
- Inverse color for indicating a new status.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-inverse-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(202, 205, 216)
- Weak inverse text color for dark backgrounds. Must pass AA color contrast with color-background-body-inverse.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-inverse-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(136, 145, 170)
- #8891AA
- Weaker inverse text color for dark backgrounds. Must pass AA color contrast with color-background-body-inverse.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: Fail
- $color-text-inverse-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(75, 86, 113)
- #4B5671
- Weakest inverse text color for dark backgrounds. Must pass AA color contrast with color-background-body-inverse.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-link
- Token value:
- rgb(2, 99, 224)
- #0263E0
- Link text
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-link-destructive
- Token value:
- rgb(214, 31, 31)
- #D61F1F
- Destructive link text
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-link-destructive-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(173, 17, 17)
- #AD1111
- Strong shade of destructive link text to be used in interactions
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-link-destructive-stronger
- Token value:
- rgb(74, 11, 11)
- #4A0B0B
- Stronger shade of destructive link text to be used in interactions
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-link-destructive-strongest
- Token value:
- rgb(49, 12, 12)
- #310C0C
- Strongest shade of destructive link text to be used in interactions
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: Fail
- $color-text-link-destructive-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(246, 177, 177)
- #F6B1B1
- Weak shade of destructive link text to be used in interactions
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-link-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(0, 20, 137)
- #001489
- Strong shade of link text to be used in interactions
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-link-stronger
- Token value:
- rgb(3, 11, 93)
- #030B5D
- Stronger shade of link text to be used in interactions
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-link-strongest
- Token value:
- rgb(6, 3, 58)
- #06033A
- Strongest shade of link text to be used in interactions
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: Fail
- $color-text-link-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(153, 205, 255)
- #99CDFF
- Weak shade of link text to be used in interactions
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-neutral
- Token value:
- rgb(0, 20, 137)
- #001489
- Color for text indicating a neutral status.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-new
- Token value:
- rgb(109, 46, 209)
- #6D2ED1
- Color for text indicating a new status.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-primary
- Token value:
- rgb(2, 99, 224)
- #0263E0
- Primary text.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-primary-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(0, 20, 137)
- #001489
- Strong primary text.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-primary-stronger
- Token value:
- rgb(3, 11, 93)
- #030B5D
- Stronger primary text.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-primary-strongest
- Token value:
- rgb(6, 3, 58)
- #06033A
- Strongest primary text.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: Fail
- $color-text-primary-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(153, 205, 255)
- #99CDFF
- Weak primary text.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-subaccount
- Token value:
- rgb(84, 51, 8)
- #543308
- Text color for the subaccount badge
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-success
- Token value:
- rgb(14, 124, 58)
- #0E7C3A
- Text color for success text.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-user
- Token value:
- rgb(18, 28, 45)
- #121C2D
- Text color for user avatar.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-warning
- Token value:
- rgb(141, 49, 24)
- #8D3118
- Color for warning text.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AAA
- $color-text-warning-strong
- Token value:
- rgb(141, 49, 24)
- #8D3118
- Color for dark warning text.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: AA
- $color-text-weak
- Token value:
- rgb(96, 107, 133)
- #606B85
- Weak body text for visual hierarchy.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: Fail
- $color-text-weaker
- Token value:
- rgb(142, 150, 174)
- #8E96AE
- Weaker body text for visual hierarchy. Inaccessible unless used on disabled controls.
- Example text:
Accessibility rating: Fail
- $color-text-weakest
- Token value:
- rgb(255, 255, 255)
- Weakest body text for visual hierarchy. Inaccessible unless used on disabled controls.
Z indices define the vertical stacking order of UI elements that overlap.
- $z-index-0
- Token value:
- 0
- $z-index-10
- Token value:
- 10
- $z-index-20
- Token value:
- 20
- $z-index-30
- Token value:
- 30
- $z-index-40
- Token value:
- 40
- $z-index-50
- Token value:
- 50
- $z-index-60
- Token value:
- 60
- $z-index-70
- Token value:
- 70
- $z-index-80
- Token value:
- 80
- $z-index-90
- Token value:
- 90